


The agency has decided to convene a借錢週轉高雄房屋二胎 meeting on Feb. 21 to discuss whether the situation at the reservoir is個人信貸銀行比較 severe enough to impose first-stage water rationing.

Water supply indicators for Taoyuan and New青年留學貸款 Taipei City’s Banqiao (板橋), Xinzhuang (新莊) Linkou (林口) districts were “green” on Friday last week, suggesting sup青年貸款代辦ply is tight, Lee said, adding that he expects indicators for other cities and counties to soon follow suit.

/ Staff writer, with C卡債協商2017N高雄市汽車借款A青年創業貸款銀行

In the most severe situation, “red” indicates third-stage restrictions — rationing of a region’s water supplies, by zone or by time of day, to main個人信用貸款比較tain a minimum supply of water.

青年創業貸款率利最低銀行2017According to agency data, water reserves at Shihmen Reservoir (石門水庫) in northern Taiwan — which mainly supplies water to Taoyuan and New Taipei City’s Xinzhuang, Banqiao and Xinzhuang districts, as well as Hsinchu County’s Hukou Township (湖口) — were down to 66 percent capacity yesterday, com借錢急用p軍公教貸款2017ared with the Friday last week level of 72 percent, representing a daily drop of 1 perce個人信用貸款條件nt.花旗銀行債務整合軍人貸款郵局高雄代書借款

Water supply in 21 counties and cities is expected to worsen in the near future,卡債ptt due to lower average rainfall than in past years, Minister of Economic Affairs Lee Chih-kung (李世光) said yesterday.

However, to be prepared for the worst, an emergency response task force was set up on Tuesday, Lee said, and the ministry has discussed with the Taipei Water Department the idea of “supplying southern areas with wa汽車借款行照ter from the north.”

If water levels continue to drop, “orange” signals the start of second-stage restrictions, meaning that water fountains are turned off, public streets are not washed, and water to high-volume users is reduced to stabilize supplies.

While water reserves at Shihmen Reservoir were yesterday estimated at 133.3 million cubic meters, at least 170 million cubic meters are needed for supplies to 卡債協商後多久恢復信用people in its catchment area to 急需現金怎麼辦be “relatively safe,” agency offici個人信貸額度上限als said.

HIGH-TECH SOLUTION: The ministry has ordered government agencies to be prepared to initiate rainmaking missions at any time, Lee Chi汽車借款陷阱h-kung said

急需現金周轉Reserves were hurt as only 44mm of rain fell in the Shihmen Reservoir basin from December last year through last mo高雄市借錢nth — only 27 percent of the average rainfall over the same period since records have been kept.

The MOEA has instructed state-owned Taiwan Power Co (Taipower, 台電) to closely monitor the operations of its hydropower plants and also ordered government agencies to be re青年創業貸款資格ady to initiate rainmaking missions at any time, Lin said.


Under 花蓮哪裡可以借錢the MOEA’s five-color monitoring scheme for water supply, “yellow” indicates the first stage of water restrictions should begin, meaning tap water pressure would be reduced during高雄市貸款代辦公司 off-peak hours.

According to the Water Resources Agency, the water monitoring indicator was “blue” — indicating sufficient reserves — for all other places in Taiwan 軍人貸款利息proper on Friday last week.

Lower than average rainfall across most of the nation花旗小額信貸 in recent months has led to fears of water shortages, with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) taking precautionary measures, including setting up an emergency response task force.

Agency data showed that in the three-month period from early November last year through late last month, rainfall in major water reservoirs was 1 percent to 46 percent lower than the average level in the same period in previous years.

Water reserves at key reservoirs yesterday were all lower than their capacities, the d軍人貸款推薦ata indicated.

The Central Weather Bureau is not optimistic about rainfall in the short term, predicting that the nation is likely to 汽車借錢設定see dry weather from this month through April.高雄代書貸款

新聞來源:急需一筆錢青年貸款條件>TAIPEI TIMES

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